Heuristic Algorithms


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. I. Bolodurina




Lection Heuristic algorithms


1 Introduction to Optimal Control (OC)

-   Some examples

-   Problems statement of Optimal Control

-   Admissible control and associated trajectory

-   Optimal Control problems

-   Calculus of Variation problems 


 2 The simplest problem of OC 

-   The necessary condition of Pontryagin

-   The proof  in a particular situation 

-   Sufficient conditions 

-   First generalizations 

-   Initial/final conditions on the trajectory   

-   On minimum problems 

-   The case of Calculus of Variation 

-   Examples and applications 

-   The curve of minimal length

-   A problem of business strategy I 

-   A two-sector model 

-   A problem of inventory and production I

-   Singular and bang-bang controls 


 3 General problems of OC 

-   Problems of Bolza, Mayer and Lagrange

-   Problems with fixed or free final time 

-   Fixed final time 

-   Free final time 

-   The proof of the necessary condition 

-   The Bolza problem in Calculus of Variations

-   Labor adjustment model of Hamermesh

-   Time optimal problem 

-   The classical example of Pontryagin and its boat 

-   Existence and controllability results

-   Infinite horizon problems 

-   The model of  Ramsey 

-   Autonomous problems

-   Current Hamiltonian  in model of optimal  consumption


 4 Constrained problems of  OC

-   The general case 

-   Pure state constraints 

-   Commodity trading 

-   Isoperimetric problems in CoV

-   Necessary conditions with regular constraints 

-   The multiplier ν as shadow price 

-   The foundation of Cartagena 

-   The Hotelling model of socially optimal extraction


 5 OC with dynamic programming 

-   The value function: necessary conditions 

-   The final condition 

-   Bellman's Principle of optimality

-   The Bellman-Hamilton-Jacobi equation 

-   The value function: sufficient conditions 

-   More general problems of  OC 

-   Examples and applications 

-   Infinite horizon problems 

-   A model of optimal consumption  

- Problems with discounting and salvage value