GuestBook PSP Sample

Overview of GuestBook PSP Sample
This Sample describes how to create a simple Guestbook application using PSPs.
The PSP application provides an interface to submit the comments and a page that
will display all the existing comments.

The inputs submitted through the intial signing page to another page which will insert
the values into the database table. After inserting the values successfully, it will call
the page which displays all the comments stored. If any error happens during the
operation, that will be returned by the Error page.

In the View_Guestbook page where all the existing comments are displayed, the
details are displayed in the order of the latest comments first. Also, the comments
entered on the system date is displayed in RED and others in BLACK.

Steps in the Sample :

  1) Invoke the application by opening the Guest_Book page. This will display the
      interface to sign the GuestBook.

  2) Submit the comments in through the above page. On successful submission the
      application will display all the comments in View_Guestbook page with the latest
      message at the top.

Description of Sample Files :
The sample is provided as a zip file. This zip file contains all the files required for
the sample. It contains the following files:

    1) Install.html                       - The steps to install the GuestBook PSPs in the Oracle Database
    2) Readme.html                    - This file
    3) Guest_Book.psp             -  Displays the Form to enter the comments.
    4) Submit_Comments.psp   -  Stores the comments submitted from the form into the database.
    5) View_GuestBook.psp     -  Displays the all the comments stored in the database.
    6) Gb_Error_Page.psp         - Error page of the sample.

The steps in running the sample in iAS environment is explained below :

Running the sample using Oracle iAS:

     Step 1. Install the PSPs onto the Oracle database using the instructions
                 in the Install.html.

     Step 2. On the Application Server machine where iAS is installed, create
                 a Database Access Descriptor(DAD) to connect to the schema where
                 the PSP is installed in Step 1.

                 Note: For details on creating DADs, refer to the document "Using mod_plsql"
                          on the Documentation Library CD-ROM of iAS software.

     Step 3. After creating the DAD, access the page by using a URL like:
                 http://<ipaddress>:<Port>/<virtual_path>/<dadname>/<PL/SQL procedure name>
                <ipaddress>      -> is the ip-address of the machine on which iAS is setup
                <Port>              -> is the port on which iAS http listener is setup to run
                                             (refer to file $IAS_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpds.conf)
                <virtual_path>   -> is the prefix defined for the PL/SQL module
                                             (refer to file $IAS_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg/plsql.conf)
                <dadname>       -> is the name of the DAD created in Step 2.
