HelloWorld PSP Sample

Overview of HelloWorld PSP Sample
This Sample describes how to create a basic PSP application.
The PSP application creates a simple HTML page and displays
"Hello Oracle World!" string in it.

Steps in the Sample :

  1) After invoking the application, it will display a simple HTML page
     displaying the "Hello Oracle World!" string.

Description of Sample Files :
The sample is provided as a zip file. This zip file contains all the files
required for the sample. It contains the following files:

    a) Install.html                    - The steps to install the HelloWorld PSP in the Oracle Database
    b) Readme.html                - This file
    c) Source Files of Sample - HelloWorld.psp

The steps in running the sample in iAS environment is explained below :

Running the sample using Oracle iAS:

     Step 1. Install the PSP onto the Oracle database using the instructions
                 in the Install.html file.

     Step 2. On the Application Server machine where iAS is installed, create
                 a Database Access Descriptor(DAD) to connect to the schema where
                 the PSP is installed in Step 1.

                 Note: For details on creating DADs, refer to the document "Using mod_plsql"
                          on the Documentation Library CD-ROM of iAS software.

     Step 3. After creating the DAD, access the page by using a URL like:
                 http://<ipaddress>:<Port>/<virtual_path>/<dadname>/<PL/SQL procedure name>
                <ipaddress>   -> is the ip-address of the machine on which iAS is setup
                <Port>           -> is the port on which iAS http listener is setup to run
                                          (refer to file $IAS_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpds.conf)
                <virtual_path> -> is the prefix defined for the PL/SQL module
                                           (refer to file $IAS_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg/plsql.conf)
                <dadname>     -> is the name of the DAD created in Step 2.