Table Report PSP Installation
In this document, instructions for deploying the Table Report PSP Application in an Oracle Database are provided.

Required Software
1.   Oracle Database Server Version 8.1.6 or higher
2.   Oracle Internet Application Server(iAS) Version 1.0 or higher
3.   Oracle PL/SQL Web Toolkit Packages :
               The Schema in which the PSPs are to be loaded should have access to the
               Web Toolkit packages supplied by Oracle. For instructions on installing
               these packages and giving access, refer to the Chapter 'Installing mod_PLSQL'
               - Section 'Installing required packages' in document "Using mod_plsql" on the
               Documentation Library CD-ROM of iAS software.

Preliminary Installation Steps for installing PSPs in Oracle Database
    Step 1. Install Oracle iAS and setup the http server using the instructions in the manual supplied with the software

    Step 2. Update your SYSTEM path to include the $IAS_HOME/bin directory

    Step 3. Extracting and Loading TableReport PSP Application.

            a) Create a new directory <pspSamples> to hold the Sample .psp files

            b) Extract the file  in this directory

            c) After extracting the .zip file, it creates TableReport directory.

            d) Load the .psp in the TableReport directory using the 'loadpsp' utility supplied with iAS
                software. This can be found under the directory $IAS_HOME/bin. Add this directory
                to the system path. Then, from the TableReport directory, run the following command
                to load the page:

                loadpsp -replace -user <uname>/<passwd>@<dbalias> Error_Page.psp *.psp

                      <uname>/<passwd> - is the username/password of schema where the psp has to be loaded
                      <dbalias>                 - is the sql*net tns names alias to connect to the desired database