
(J. Waldmann, December 2021)

I was wondering what the code for Data.List.permutations does, and how it came to be.

-- | The 'permutations' function returns the list of all permutations of the argument.
-- >>> permutations "abc"
-- ["abc","bac","cba","bca","cab","acb"]
permutations            :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations xs0        =  xs0 : perms xs0 []
    perms []     _  = []
    perms (t:ts) is = foldr interleave (perms ts (t:is)) (permutations is)
      where interleave    xs     r = let (_,zs) = interleave' id xs r in zs
            interleave' _ []     r = (ts, r)
            interleave' f (y:ys) r = let (us,zs) = interleave' (f . (y:)) ys r
                                     in  (y:us, f (t:y:us) : zs)

Some references:

The original code (1996) was

-- permutations xs returns the list of all permutations of xs.
-- e.g., permutations "abc" == ["abc","bac","bca","acb","cab","cba"]
permutations            :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations []         =  [[]]
permutations (x:xs)     =  [zs | ys <- permutations xs, zs <- interleave x ys ]
  where interleave          :: a -> [a] -> [[a]]
        interleave x []     =  [[x]]
        interleave x (y:ys) =  [x:y:ys] ++ map (y:) (interleave x ys)

The example shows that semantics did change.