This is my best attempt at explaining some fundamental design choices in, shortly called Tidal, a library for “performances with patterns of time”, by Alex McLean.
My text here is intended as “Tidal for programmers”, and it should complement other (perfectly fine) introductory texts that feel more like “Tidal for musicians”.
So, you probably won’t need this if you just want to use Tidal, but you will hopefully find it useful if you want to understand how the implementation works - may this be out of idle curiousity, or because you want to contribute code.
Beware - this text evolves with my understanding of Tidal. I am pretty certain that I just haven’t grasped some of the reasons for the current design. Some places where I notice this myself are annotated with question marks, and I do welcome explanations, corrections and comments.
See message to Tidal mailing list (view thread, and scroll down, to see answers)
For reference, see also
A pattern p :: Pattern a
describes a periodic mapping from time to a
. The mapping is given by a sequence (set?) of events of type Event a
, where an event has a duration and a value.
The main application of these types will instantiate a
by ControlMap
, which is a type that represents a collection of key/value pairs that controls how the back-end (the supercollider software synthesizer) renders a sound sample. We will deal with this later, and focus on polymorphic patterns here.
There are two basic patterns, constructed from
silence :: Pattern a
, the pattern without any events,pure :: a -> Pattern a
, where pure x
is the pattern with one event ranging from time 0 to time 1, of value x
.Then, there are operations that transform patterns, e.g., slow :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
(the type is slightly simplified) such that slow 2 (pure 1)
is a pattern of length 2 with value 1.
We also have functions that combine patterns
cat :: [ Pattern a ] -> Pattern a
stack :: [ Pattern a ] -> Pattern a
For example, cat [pure 0, pure 1, pure 2]
is a Pattern Int
of period 3, containing three events, each of length 1.
Important: see below for the exact semantics of cat
when applied to patterns that don’t have unit length.
The preceding text is already an over-simplification, on several grounds:
Let us look at some the actual type declarations:
data Pattern a = Pattern {nature :: Nature, query :: Query a}
data Nature = Analog | Digital
type Query a = State -> [Event a]
data State = State {arc :: Arc, controls :: ControlMap}
(and we look at Event a
later on)
We see that the pattern contains a query that can read values from an environment, called State
(so, Query a
is actually a Reader monad?).
The arc
of the current state is used in the following way (?) The pattern is queried by the scheduler for the events that it wants to send to the back-end, during a specific interval of time:
queryArc (pure 1) (Arc 0 3)
==> [(0>1)|1, (1>2)|1, (2>3)|1]
queryArc (cat [ pure 1, pure 2, pure 3 ]) (Arc 0 3)
==> [(0>1)|1, (1>2)|2, (2>3)|3]
The controls
of the state represents a collection of key/value-pairs that is determined by external means, e.g., names and positions of knobs on a (hardware or software) MIDI controller. This is currently under development.
We said that an Event a
spans an interval in time, and has a value. But in fact, an event is associated with two intervals (the “whole”, and the “part”).
type Event a = EventF Arc a
data EventF a b = Event { whole :: a, part :: a, value :: b }
type Arc = ArcF Time
data ArcF a = Arc {start :: a, stop :: a}
We can observe this in the following example
queryArc (slow 2 $ pure 1) (Arc 0 2)
==> [(0>1)-2|1, 0-(1>2)|1]
=== [ Event { whole = Arc { start = 0, stop = 2 }
, part = Arc { start = 0, stop = 1 }
, value = 1 }
, Event { whole = Arc { start = 0, stop = 2 }
, part = Arc { start = 1, stop = 2 }
, value = 1 }
where the output lines after “===” show actual data, without the prettyprinting (see note below).
The meaning of e :: Event a
is: it is the interval part e
of the event that actually occupies interval whole e
(TODO: clear up) It seems that Tidal always splits events at unit intervals of time (and sometimes in other places). Perhaps the reason is that the back-end shall never handle samples longer than a unit interval. But why?
pure id <*> p
should be p
, and pure id
has period one?The earlier example cat [pure 0, pure 1, pure 2]
suggested that cat
is just sequential composition. Far from it!
queryArc ( s "[bd sn]/2" ) (Arc 0 2)
==> [(0>1)|s: "bd",(1>2)|s: "sn"]
queryArc ( s "[ho hc hh]/3" ) (Arc 0 3)
==> [(0>1)|s: "ho",(1>2)|s: "hc",(2>3)|s: "hh"]
queryArc ( cat [s "[bd sn]/2", s "[ho hc hh]/3" ] ) (Arc 0 6)
==> [(0>1)|s: "bd", (1>2)|s: "ho"
,(2>3)|s: "sn", (3>4)|s: "hc"
,(4>5)|s: "bd", (5>6)|s: "hh"
This shows that the semantics of cat [p1, .. pn]
is: play each of the pi
, one after another, for one unit interval.
It could not be any other way: plain sequential composition is impossible, given the data model! To compose two periodic patterns sequentially, we would presumably concatenate the period of the first one with the period of the second one. But patterns are not necessarily periodic - although this is often the case in practice. The type declarations show that there is no way to obtain the “period” of a pattern.
Exercise: We have append a b = cat [a,b]
. Is append
Given cat
, what is fastcat
? The definition
fastCat :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
fastCat ps = _fast (toTime $ length ps) $ cat ps
shows that we do compute cat
, as described above, and then speed up the result, where the speed is the number of arguments. So, one cycle of the result contains one cycle of each of the arguments.
We have seen sequential and parallel composition, but there’s another option, let’s call it parallel combination with interaction.
I will explain this, using patterns run k
where run k = fastcat $ map pure [0 .. k-1]
We uses methods from Haskell’s Applicative
type class:
(,) <$> run 2 <*> run 3
==> [(0>1/3)|(0,0), (1/3>1/2)|(0,1), (1/2>2/3)|(1,1), (2/3>1)|(1,2)]
We see that the result consists of four events, and their lengths are not identical. Result events are separated whenever (at least) one of the argument patterns (run 2
, run 3
) separates.
In my opinion, this is the actual semantical invention specific to Tidal, and not present in other systems of algebraic description of music.
It allows a highly compact notation of structured patterns, built from simpler ones, where structure “comes from both sides”.
There are two extra combining forms: <*
(structure comes from the left), and *>
(from the right). Each event of the pattern that gives the structure, is combined with the then-current value of the other pattern.
(,) <$> run 2 Sound.Tidal.Context.<* run 3
==> [ (0>1/2)|(0,0), (1/2>1)|(1,1) ]
(,) <$> run 2 Sound.Tidal.Context.*> run 3
==> [ (0>1/3)|(0,0), (1/3>2/3)|(0,1), (2/3>1)|(1,2) ]
Note that in the first example, there is no value (1,2)
, and in the last example, there is no value (1,1)
While <*>
, *>
) is the basic operation, there are abbreviations for common usage. They basically replace the general form
(op) <$> p1 <*> p2
p1 |op| p2
For instance, when to combine values from patterns by addition,
(+) <$> run 2 <*> run 3
==> [(0>1/3)|0, (1/3>1/2)|1, (1/2>2/3)|2, (2/3>1)|3]
can be written as
run 2 |+| run 3
Other arithmetical operators have corresponding “bar forms”.
Similarly, we can replace
(op) <$> p1 <* p2 with p1 |op p2
(op) <$> p1 *> p2 with p1 op| p2
The bar (|
) indicates the argumment that determines structure.
While the text was speaking about patterns in general, let us now talk about patterns for making sound with supercollider. The value type for patterns (and their events) is ControlMap
type ControlMap = Data.Map.Internal.Map String Value
data Value = VS String | VF Double | VI Int
A ControlMap
determines a sample, and how it is rendered by the back-end. Important keys for ControlMap
(sound): a string, naming a directoryn
(number): a number, denoting a *.wav file in that directoryspeed
: a number, denoting playback speed for this sampleThere are more keys, used to control audio effects, and they can be looked up in the documentation.
For instance, this pattern denotes sample number 1 from the “808” directory, to be played at half speed.
import qualified Data.Map as M
pure $ M.fromList [("s", VS "808"), ("n", VF 1), ("speed", VF 0.5)]
The “s” key is the only one that is required in a ControlMap
to make a sound.
The full diretory name is “$HOME/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples/808”, and it contains 6 files
By number 1, we mean “CH.WAV”. Numbers default to 0, and will wrap around (modulo number of files in directory). Speed defaults to 1
While the previous example will work, we will never write it like this in real life. Instead, we will construct ControlMaps from basic elements, using combinators shown previously.
For each key, there is a function that maps a pattern p
of values to a pattern of ControlMaps containing just this key, and the values as in p
queryArc (s $ pure "808") (Arc 0 1)
==> [(0>1)|s: "808"]
queryArc (n $ pure 1) (Arc 0 1)
[(0>1)|n: 1.0f]
We combine ControlMaps (taking the union of their respective sets of key/value pairs)
queryArc (union <$> (s $ pure "808") <*> (n $ pure 1)) (Arc 0 1)
==> [(0>1)|n: 1.0f, s: "808"]
A shorthand notation for the same thing is
queryArc ((s $ pure "808") |>| (n $ pure 1)) (Arc 0 1)
==> [(0>1)|n: 1.0f, s: "808"]
The two bars in |>|
indicate that structure comes from both sides (in this example, it does not matter). The direction of >
indicates that the right-hand argument will determine the values of keys that appear in both ControlMaps (which, again, does not happen in this example).
We will now add the last missing piece of information to understand typical real-life Tidal notation.
This is about a purely syntactic feature that is important for pragmatics of live coding, as it reduces the amount of typing, that is, keypresses, necessary to describe patterns.
For example, we will never write
( s $ pure "808" ) |>| ( n $ pure 1 )
but instead use
s "808" |>| n "1"
This works because we have {-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
, or the equivalent :set -XOverloadedStrings
in the ghci
session, and this will have the compiler insert fromString
before each string literal. This is the actual code that gets evaluated:
s (fromString "808") |>| n (fromString "1")
where fromString :: String -> Pattern a
is a parser for a mini-language of pattern descriptions. (The substitution for the type parameter a
is determined by the compiler, by the context in which the expression is used).
This language has
: write ~
pure x
, where x
is a number or a string: write just x
, and omit string quotes.fastcat
: inside [ ]
, concatenate patterns, separated by blanksstack
: inside [ ]
, concatenate patterns, separated by ,
(comma)fast k x
: write x*k
slow k x
: write x/k
Exercise: determine the meaning of "bd [ho hc]/2"
Some opinions on language design. They are orthogonal to the preceding text.
Do you rather write
fastcat [ pure "bd", slow 2 $ fastcat [ pure "ho", pure "hc" ] ]
"bd [ho hc]/2"
The first example uses tidal as an embedded domain-specific language. Whe use the host language’s (Haskell) syntax, and type system. We can also use the hosts facilities for re-using code: we can write functions, and we can use functions from libraries - that have nothing to do with music. We can also make use of other infrastructure of the host language. For example, with ghc-8.6, we can write a hole (_
s $ fastcat [ pure "bd", slow 2 $ _ [ pure "ho", pure "hc" ] ]
and ghci will answer
Found hole: _ :: [f0 [Char]] -> Pattern a
Valid hole fits include
cat :: forall a. [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
with cat @String
(imported from ‘Sound.Tidal.Context’
(and originally defined in ‘Sound.Tidal.Core’))
fastCat :: forall a. [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
with fastCat @String
(imported from ‘Sound.Tidal.Context’
(and originally defined in ‘Sound.Tidal.Core’))
This can be super useful! (It is the more useful, the more expressive our types are.) For all of this, the price we have to pay is adherence to the host language’s concrete syntax. We also have to adhere to the type system, but that’s not a tax, that’s a benefit.
On the other hand, if we just want to sequence some events, the “syntax tax” is quite inconvenient, as we need to write out the cat
operator, the parentheses, and the commas.
We can avoid all of this by using Tidal’s concrete mini-language.
But this also comes with a price: all the support of the host language is now gone. Ghci cannot type-check parts of strings, it cannot suggest completions. Well, some customized editor might suggest completions of instrument and operator names just by string matching, so the level of support is reduced down to the purely syntactic level that’s typical for languages that are missing a static type system.
And we also lost the ability to define abstractions. Consider this example: You have developed a nice pattern, say,
"bd [sn sn] [bd ~ ] [~ sn]"
and now you want to abstract over the instrument “sn”, because you want to replace it with something else. Using the host language, you would just turn a constant in to a parameter of a function, but obviously, this does not work:
f = \ sn -> "bd [sn sn] [bd ~ ] [~ sn]"
The main counter argument to this complaint is that we always have the choice of using the concrete language, or the embedded one, as we see fit.
In fact, there are functions like ur
that provide sort-of-lambda-calculus for the surface language. (I guess r
stands for “replace”, more documentation at
ur :: Time
-> Pattern String
-> [(String, Pattern a)]
-> [(String, Pattern a -> Pattern a)]
-> Pattern a
The second argument is a pattern whose values are pairs (f,p)
of names, written “p:f”, where p :: Pattern a
and f :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
. The next arguments are a replacement map for names that denote patterns (“p” in the example), and a replacement map for names that denote functions from pattern to pattern (“f” in the example).
ur 1 "a b a" [("a", s "sn"),("b", s "bd bd")] []
(0>⅓)|s: "sn"
(⅓>½)|s: "bd"
(½>⅔)|s: "bd"
(⅔>1)|s: "sn"
queryArc (ur 2 "a:f a:g" [ ("a", run 2) ]
[ ("f", id),("g",rev) ])
(Arc 0 2)
So, this is a re-implementation of some parts of lambda calculus (substitutions of values, named functions, but no lambda expressions). I don’t fully understand the semantics, e.g., why doesn’t the following have “bd” at each quarter?
ur 1 "[a b a, b b]" [("a", s "sn"),("b", s "bd bd")] []
(0>⅓)|s: "sn"
(⅓>½)|s: "bd"
(½>⅔)|s: "bd"
(⅔>1)|s: "sn"
(0>½)|s: "bd"
(½>1)|s: "bd"
probably because the implementation contains magic (a call to rotR
In all, this aspect of Tidal’s stringy surface language exemplifies the general observation that if a language does not contain the lambda calculus, it will invariably appear later, often incomplete, in some form or other - because abstraction (using names to denote something) is just really really useful in general, and thus fundamental for programming.
We have seen that a pattern is an element of a Reader
monad, so it is a function (applied to current time). So, all transformations on patterns, e.g., fast
, slow
, shift (<~
), construct functions from functions. Nesting of these could be prolematic for efficiency, as we are creating stacks of subprogram calls, which we have to evaluate each time.
It seems to me that all transformations of time are linear (certainly the above examples are), so they could be reified: represent the linear function f : Time -> Time
by its coefficients a, b
in f x = a * x + b
, or in matrix form [[a,b],[1,0]]
. Then, composition of reified functions can be computed just once (as matrix multiplication) and their application always has the same low cost (one multiplication, one addition). The same thing is done in computer graphics, for efficient handling of nested co-ordinate transforms.
Now, for Tidal, functions might actually be piece-wise linear, so the reified represenation needs a sequence of linear functions, which could be prepresented as a decision tree. But then another potential source of inefficiency is that the size of this representation may explode unter transformations and operations.
type Time = Rational
We see that time uses exact rational arithmetic. The reason is that we want to treat (nested) polyrythms correctly (including thirds, fifths, etc.)
Challenge: construct a denial-of-service attack: use (nested) pattern combinators that will produce huge numbers in the denominators. Note: these are represented as Integer
(not Int
= machine numbers), so they will not overflow (unless your RAM overflows), but processing time depends on their size. Implementation uses GMP, which is highly optimized. So, this is rather hypothetical. But you can brush up your elementary number theory. And anyway, a successful DOS attack would just hurt yourself.